
In 2021, we used the empirical evidence from our review to inform the development of interactive workshop for a range of audiences, which covers the theoretical considerations of race and ethnicity in health research, tools for communication, and highlights opportunities for improvement at the individual level.

The four-hour workshop is designed to help participants of all training levels and of different health disciplines develop skills to thoughtfully communicate the use of race and ethnicity in their work. Workshops involved a combination of lecture and small group activities. Workshops highlight current cross-disciplinary practices in how race and ethnicity are communicated in published manuscripts, common poor practices (i.e., ambiguous or outright harmful language), “best practices”, and the changes participants can make in their own scholarship.

Attendees are also provided with a “resource packet” developed by the team, with readings, guidelines, and other materials for more thoughtful and clear communication of race and ethnicity in their research.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify the harms of biological determinism and the ways in which language used by researchers reflects and perpetuates those ideas.
  2. Understand how to effectively communicate the definitions, coding, and measurement of race and ethnicity in their health scholarship.
  3. Identify ambiguous language surrounding scientific communication of definitions, coding, and measurement of race and ethnicity health scholarship.
  4. Thoughtfully critique and provide feedback on conceptualization, measurement, analysis, and interpretation for race and ethnicity in the peer review process.

Past workshops

  • GSK (GlaxoSmithKline), virtual, November 2023.
  • North Carolina Translational and Clinical Sciences Institute, virtual, March 2023.
  • UNC Center for Pharmacoepidemiology, virtual, January 2023.
  • IAPHS Preconference Workshop for the 8th annual meeting, virtual, November 2022.
  • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Healthy Eating Research Annual Grantee Meeting, virtual, April 2022.
  • IAPHS Preconference Workshop for the 7th Annual Meeting, virtual, September 2021.
  • Carolina Population Center, virtual, September 2021.